Monday, September 28, 2009

A few pictures of Grace

We've taken a lot of good pictures of Grace and Evelyn lately, we just haven't taken the time to post them. Sorry!

Stacey's friend is a photographer and she took some pictures of us. Here's a link to her blog, which has some great pictures of our girls.


The Gurrs said...

Cute pics. We sure miss your Fam. Hopefully we can see you guys in Nov. But it sounds like you guys are leaving the valley just before we can get there. Arrrg.:( We'll have to see what we can do.

Krissa said...

oh those pictures are fantastic!!! You guys are SUCH a cute cute family!!! and you're coming in Nov???? I dearly hope I get to see you!!!!!!!!

Jeff and DeeAnna said...

Stacey those pictures are really good. Too many to pick a favorite. Amanda has taken some pictures for a friends engagement and your friend does a great job.