Thursday, October 2, 2008

Leaky pipes and bugs

Woohoo! I just realized I could change the font and font size! That's exciting. Very observant I know.

Well, I just want to give a few pointers to whoever may move to the South... DO NOT LET YOUR LEAKY PIPES LEAK FOR LONG!!!

Nathaniel and I had a leaky kitchen faucet and leaky bathtub that of course we were going to fix after studying all the plumbing manuals and such...Well we waited a little too long and started to find large cockroaches around the house. We had those leaks fixed the next day... it was beyond disgusting. I won't even tell you where they were found. All I can say is that I have been scarred for life. I have seen some pretty gruesome things but seeing those critters in my house takes the taco!

However, ever since Nathaniel has prayed that I wouldn't see one again in our house, I haven't. Thank goodness! I just grateful that Heavenly Father answers prayers that may seem a little silly. Nathaniel hasn't seen any either and it's been two weeks!Yipee!

1 comment:

Krissa said...

Ugh! I hate cockroaches...they give me the heebie glad you got them fixed!