Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family pictures

Here are the latest pictures.

Stacey has been wanting us to get family pictures since we were married, and we finally got them on Saturday. They turned out really good, our friend did them and we tweaked them with Picasa2. If you want to alter photos (cropping, change lighting, make them black and white, etc) but don't want to buy PhotoShop and climb that learning curve then Picasa2 is awesome, and free.

Evelyn just learned to roll over. She only does it when Nathaniel isn't home though. Stacey managed to get it on video, here it is.


Krissa said...

So cute...Those pictures are really good. She is getting so big :)

littledochy said...

lol, that little girl can pull some funny faces! So cute.

Laurel said...

Hey guys,

I dont have your emails so I thought I would leave a comment. :) Unrelated to cute baby- join the group freecycle.org and you can post for wants (like a baby playpen). And you can get rid of stuff too...its like going to DI but FREE!!! Thats how Jeremy and I got most (if not all) of Hunter's clothes, etc. :)